Provide and Price High-Value Services for Your Clients

Pricing services for a client is one of the most intimate practices in your agency. It’s also one of the most important. Many agencies get pricing mostly right, but the gap between competency and excellence here is worth a sizable chunk of your annual revenue. You could use a little more of that, right? Sign up below to find out how to get it.
Sign up below to receive your copy of The Intimacies of Pricing Your Customer by Jason Blumer, featuring a foreword from industry pioneer Blair Enns.
We took a close look at the art of pricing services through our CPA lens. Here’s what we found: to do this correctly—that is, to maximize your value to the client AND appropriately charge for it—requires a bit of bravery.
In this eBook, The Intimacies of Pricing Your Customer, Jason Blumer will set you up to be brave with your pricing by providing you with the tools you need to nail the stages of the pricing lifestyle:
- Onboarding
- Positioning
- Alignment
- Discovery