Hey, I'm Scott Harshberger
Customer Accounting Analyst
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." Mark Twain

Living life with Purpose and Intention
Scott Harshberger is a Customer Accounting Analyst for Blumer CPAs. Some of Scott’s responsibilities include leading clients as well as assisting Customer Allies being the hands and feet of the firm, and working through complex accounting processes. He also leads our Accounting Specialist team with some end of year tax processes. Scott began his career in public accounting after graduating from Bob Jones University in 2009.
A native Greenvillian (Greenville, SC), Scott enjoys playing and watching sports, reading, gaming, playing the piano, and fishing. He has a love/hate relationship with juggling multiple tasks and clients to make sure financials are updated timely and accurately. With a couple of cups of coffee each morning, he faces those challenges head on. Scott lives life with intentionality and lives it to the fullest, not wanting to be a spectator in his own life. He longs to do everything in life with passion and integrity. When you meet Scott you may hear, “Welcome! We are here to serve you.”
While coffee is good for starting the day, it’s water that keeps him going (and it’s even better with a homemade lasagna). His favorite movies are Armageddon and the Avengers, his favorite holiday is Christmas and if he could choose any superpower, Scott would choose to be able to fly!
Favorite musician: Blake Shelton