All posts tagged: strategic planning series

How To Do Strategic Planning: Part 4 of 4

How to Do Strategic Planning, Part 4 of 4 from Thriveal CPA Network on Vimeo. Transcript: Okay, we’ve done all the heavy lifting in the first three videos in Strategic Planning Season. And as we’ve been mentioning, November, December is strategic planning season, this is the season. The holiday season? No. This is the season where entrepreneurs plan their future. And go back to video one, to find out what planning and what strategic means. Why did we put those words, strategic planning together, they’re real important. So, what have we been doing up to this point? We’ve really been […]

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How To Do Strategic Planning: Part 3 of 4

How to Do Strategic Planning, Part 3 of 4 from Thriveal CPA Network on Vimeo. Transcript: Part three, this is part three of four of how to do strategic planning. If you’ve been watching our videos, you know by now November and December, at the end of the year, are strategic planning season. All entrepreneurs should be doing strategic planning, if you’re an owner of a business, this is the time you do it. And so, we’ve been talking about what we did in part one and part two in the strategic planning process. Now in this phase three, what […]

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How to Do Strategic Planning: Part 2 of 4

How to Do Strategic Planning, Part 2 of 4 from Thriveal CPA Network on Vimeo. Transcript: Here we are in part two of four videos on strategic planning season. November and December are strategic planning seasons for entrepreneurs. So you should be planning, you should be doing strategic planning. Go see video one about what the heck strategic planning even means. So here we are in part two. In part one, I shared that we did a brain dump of our ideas, my partner and I. Here we are in part two, and in part two, this is the strategic […]

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How to Do Strategic Planning: Part 1 of 4

How to Do Strategic Planning, Part 1 of 4 from Thriveal CPA Network on Vimeo. Transcript: This is strategic planning season. At the end of the year in November and December my partner and I always do strategic planning. That’s what you should be doing too. If you’re an entrepreneur, you should be doing strategic planning right now in November and December. And this is part one of four videos. I’m going to tell you exactly how we do it. Listen in and follow up on those videos. First, why planning? Strategic planning? Why planning? Because any entrepreneur who’s a […]

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