Reading Habits, Benefits, and Suggestions

This year, the Blumer team has made a commitment to read more.  We are currently reading Atomic Habits as a team to benefit the Blumer community as well as to benefit ourselves as individuals.  One thing we are learning is that habits are made by repetition and consistency.  We also tend to keep those habits (good or bad) by focusing on what we want to accomplish, not just setting a goal.  Once you set a goal to “read a book”, you’ve met that goal when you reach the end, but if you focus on “reading a chapter a day” or reading “10 pages each day”, then you have a habit that will continue, even after you’ve finished that first book! 

We know that reading is a good habit to have, but did you know that it also has health benefits? According to a recent article by Piedmont Medical reading helps reduce stress, keeps your mind sharp and helps you sleep better. (Maybe that’s why I tend to fall asleep reading at night?)  

Reading is a positive habit that should be part of a daily health routine, just like exercise, eating whole foods and meditation.  

Jason and Julie have compiled a list of their top 20 business books.  

  1. Traction by Gino Wickman
  2. Rocket Fuel by Gino Wickman and Mark C Winters
  3. Atomic Habits by James Clear
  4. Zero to One by Peter Thiel
  5. Principles by Ray Dalio
  6. Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara
  7. Quiet Leadership by David Rock
  8. Your Brain at Work by David Rock
  9. The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier
  10. Flawless Consulting by Peter Block
  11. The Accountant Marketer by Karen L Reyburn
  12. So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport
  13. Positioning for Professionals by Tim Williams
  14. Implementing Value Pricing by Ronald J Baker
  15. The Business of Expertise by David C Baker
  16. The Win Without Pitching Manifesto by Blair Enns
  17. Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits by Greg Crabtree
  18. The Answer to How is Yes by Peter Block
  19. Good to Great by Jim Collins
  20. Uncommon Sense, Common Nonsense by Jules Goddard and Tony Eccles

Are any of these books on your “top” list, too?  Let us know if you have any to add by emailing us at [email protected].  We’re always looking for new reads! 

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