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Word of the Day: Strategic

Word of the Day: Strategic from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: It’s Word of the Day, and on Word of the Day we pick one word. Sometimes it’s a phrase, we throw you off, it’s a phrase. And today’s word is strategic. You know what another word for strategic is, is intention or a purpose. That’s what that means. Strategic is being purposeful. Strategic is being intentional. Strategic is doing things on purpose. That’s all strategic means. If you’re doing things on purpose, what that normally means is strategic is about the future, so strategy is a forward-looking thing. Strategy is taking the courage […]

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Word of the Day: Market

Word of the Day: Market from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. TRANSCRIPT: It is Word Of The Day, where we pick a day and we strategically tell you what that word means. Today’s word is market. What does market mean? Market is the thing you’re serving. Right? So, you have a company. You have a company within … like you own it. Right? You own what it sells, what it prices, what it does, how it leads teams, just this little pocket of something you own. Well, it’s got to have a value. So, the justification of any business being in existence is that a […]

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Word of the Day: Cash

Word of the Day: Cash from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. TRANSCRIPT: It is word of the day. And you know what we do as a firm, we handle all the financial aspects of agencies that are growing. We want to keep all of their accounting in line. We want to help them report on things and that’s because of today’s word of the day, which is cash. Cash. Cash is just a result of an indicator of the value that you are to the market that you serve. It’s the price you’re willing to or able to put on the things you do for […]

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Word of the Day: Awareness

Word of the Day: Awareness from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: Today’s word of the day is a big one: awareness. What does that mean? Well, awareness is actually knowing and learning more about yourself. It is wild. I know this is true about me and it’s true about our clients, too, that we coach and consult, our team, or any human we’re in a close relationship with is that they are not fully aware of the things they’re doing and why. That is really, really common. You may disagree, but actually you don’t know. You’re proving my point that you don’t know. When […]

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Word of the Day: Aspirations

Word of the Day: Aspiration from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: Fancy word of the day, aspiration. Word of the day is where we pick a word and we talk strategically about what it may mean for your service based company. And I thought I would look up this word aspiration. It’s a strong desire, a longing or aim or ambition. It’s a goal or objective that is strongly desired. So it’s some future hope people are wanting to obtain, right? And they desire it in a very strong way. And it made me think that aspirations a lot of times are what we’re […]

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Word of the Day: Layers

Transcript: My partner and I were coaching with a client and I want to tell you some stuff we were talking about in today’s word of the day video and today’s word of the day video is layers. This client was talking to us about working with a team member, a team member that’s struggling and trying to figure out what they’re doing and they’re like, “Is it this or is it the thing we’re going through? Or is it something they’re doing?” So what we talked about is layers. Everybody, every human that you’re working with, clients, team, yourself, […]

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Word of the Day: Expectations

Transcript: You know what time it is, word of the day. We pick a word, one word, just one magical word, and we talk about it and and how it helps us run our businesses or how it helps us hinder our businesses. And today’s word of the day is expectations. This almost sounds like Sesame Street. Expectations children, but you know what I’ve learned about myself? I get blown up man in my head when my expectations are not fulfilled, and guess what? Looking into the expectations that is kind of before I go into a situation, sometimes I […]

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Word of the Day: Balance

Word of the Day: Balance from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: Word of the Day and Word of the Day is where I share things I’ve learned as almost a 20 year entrepreneur veteran gone through a lot of ups and downs in that journey. And this past year I’ve been learning a lot about balance. Balance is something creative entrepreneurs need desperately in their lives. And I’ve mentioned this in another Word of the Day video where entrepreneurs, they drive in the ditches. That’s what they do. They operate their businesses and a lot of times their lives, their life in the ditches. […]

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Word of the Day: Project Management

Word of the Day: Project Management from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: Word of the day. This is more like phrase of the day. So this phrase that we’re going to be talking about is project management, and that’s a big one in the digital creative space. Sometimes it’s called, producers now are digital project managers. But it’s a big deal and it’s something we’ve put in our firm, a number of years ago, we started the process of putting project management in a creative financial accounting and consulting firm. And of course we do that work for digital agency so we know what […]

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Word of the Day: Fears

Word of the Day: Fears from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: This is Word of the Day, where we take a word and we talk about what the heck it can mean for your business, and this is the one we’re talking about, is fears. And fears are something we all deal with and we have, and I was just doing a podcast with Ryan Berman of Return on Courage. He’s the author of Return on Courage, and he talked about auditing your fears, which was cool. His book is Return on Courage, so being courageous has everything to do with auditing your fears. […]

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