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The Order on Building Your Business

The Order of Building Your Business from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: As you think about your service based organization that you’re building, just think about there’s two sides really that you’re always managing. Right? It’s a market side.. It’s an external side. That’s your client side. That’s where you’re positioning towards and making purpose statements towards. Then there’s an internal side. That’s the service side. Right? That’s that’s the things you can control, and do things about, and build structures and team models that serve that market side. Julie and I’ve been in our service model for a long time, and we do […]

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Word of the Day: Business Model

Word of the Day: Business Model from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: Word of the day or phrase of the day is business model. I’m writing some stuff about a business model right now, so it’s on my mind. So I wanted to to share it with you. So a business model is basically how you capture, produce, and deliver value, basically. You run a business and the one thing you got to do is you got to figure out what’s the value that the market needs? How do we craft it and create it? How do we deliver it and how do we […]

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Word of the Day – Time

Word of the Day: Time from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: Hello class, it’s Word of the Day, where we talk about some strategic things, so I’m going to just post a word or a phrase for you to think about. And we never talked about this one, but today’s word is time. And a lot of you who know our firm and the way we do things, and a lot of the things we teach, we’re not big billing by the hour people. And that’s just because we don’t believe anything special necessarily happens with the passing of an hour from the beginning […]

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Word of the Day – Presenting

Word of the Day: Presenting from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Video Transcript: It’s word of the day. And if you’ve been in any kind of counseling or therapy type situation or coaching situation, you may know the difference between presenting and root issues. And when we do consulting work with agencies, a lot of times we’re trying to vet out the things they bring to us as the problems in their business as to what is a presenting issue, that is a second or third order problem caused by another issue, which is a root issue. So what we’re always trying to do in […]

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Word of the Day – Dual Minded

Word of the Day: Dual Minded from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Video Transcript: Hey hey it’s Word of the Day where we pick a word, or a phrase and we talk about how it affects us as we run our agencies and our businesses. And I have a books, Principles by Ray Dalio. This is a great book. And he highlighted something called dual mindedness. And it’s about integrity. He defines integrity, let me read what he says. He says, “Integrity comes from the Latin word integritas, meaning one or whole. People who are one way on the inside and another way on the […]

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Word of the Day – Website

Word of the Day – Website from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Video Transcript: Today’s word of the day is website. We’ve had agencies come to us and actually they don’t really have much of a website. We’ve seen a start-up agency that’s killing it, and they don’t even have a website. They may have a placeholder URL and it’s like, how can a company be killing it if they don’t have a website? I guess that makes us understand that a website is not the thing that grows your company. A website is great, it’s a tool and it displays to the world what […]

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Word of the Day – Alignment

Word of the Day – Alignment from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Video Transcript: So it’s word of the day and today’s word is alignment, and this word is basically trying to find a client that is aligned with you. So we’re not searching for clients, right? We’re searching for alignment, we’re searching for the right clients, not clients. And this is so key. It’s basically, this is the front door to your company and when your front door is nailed shut, so to speak, and you have to open it and you have to peek out and it takes a lot of time. There’s […]

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Word of the Day: Networking

Video Transcript:  Hey, hey, it’s Word of the Day. Jason Blumer here with a little bit of education on the strategy around running your agency in a better way, and so we do Word of the Day, and today’s Word of the Day is networking. It’s something that we all do initially when we start our companies. We’re trying to meet people and get new clients, but you know what, it’s something that falls away, and does for me too, falls away. When we get busy, and we start finding clients, and we’re doing a lot of work ongoing, networking […]

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Word of the Day: Data

Word of the Day – Data from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: It is Word of the Day. This is where we use a word and we pinpoint some strategy to help you grow your company. The word of the day today is data. This is a popular thing lately, right? Measurement, scoring, score cards, data. These are the things you want to build dashboards to put a lot of stuff on it to help you run your business better, and data is really, really cool. But we have to remember what data is. It is a small subset of the truth. It’s a […]

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Word of the Day: Emotions

Word of the Day: Emotions from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: It’s time for word of the day where we strategically help you run your firm. Today we’re going to talk about entrepreneurs, those special people running these creative companies. One thing they have to deal with a lot is their emotions, and that’s the word for today. The thing about emotions is that they are real. You feel them, but it doesn’t mean they reflect the truth. And that is so hard. So we do a lot of coaching and consulting with creative business owners, helping them gain clarity. Of course, the opposite […]

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