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Word of the Day: Commitment

Word of the Day: Commitment from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: I want to talk to you in Word of the Day today about a big word, it’s about an article I wrote not along ago about my partner and I, Julie, we’re going to commit to running a firm forever. That’s a forever commitment. So, the word of the day is commitment. That’s a long word, so I’ve got to lean over to show you commitment. Commitment is a scary word to some people, but for an entrepreneur, it can be the thing that really changes your mindset and how you build your […]

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Word of the Day: Bridge

Word of the Day: Bridge from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: For Word of the Day, I’m going to tell you a little story. I don’t know if you’ve heard of the Tacoma Bridge. They labeled it The Galloping Gertie Bridge. Back in 1940, they built this bridge to span some part of Washington where cars couldn’t get across, and it cut down commutes from two hours to like 15 minutes to get across this certain part of the water. But the bridge was not designed really well back in 1940, and so the bridge would waver like this. Actually, some people would take […]

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Word of the Day: Results

Word of the Day: Results from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: One thing that makes us valuable as creative business owners is the things we bring our clients that they can’t have had they not hired us, and we get to sell in that way, right? We get to say, “You want to hire us because there’s things that you cannot have if you don’t hire us.” Right? So, sometimes we’re not saying, “Do you want to hire us?” Sometimes we’re saying, “What do you not get by not hiring us?” That’s a better question in sales, and one of those things is results. […]

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Word of the Day: Trust

Word of the Day: Trust from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: It is Word of the Day, and when we talk about Word of the Day, we’re just picking one word, and we’re talking about a little strategy behind that word. You’ve heard the word trust, but I want to talk about trust as a bank. A bank, that’s right. You put trust money in the bank, and you take trust money out of the bank. When you’re working with clients, you don’t know it, but when you’re onboarding them or any kind of interactions with your clients or your team or your vendors […]

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Team Models at Various Agency Sizes

As we’ve consulted with many agencies on growth, studied many books on the subject of healthy growth, and written tons of content on agency growth, we’ve come to see some some phases growing agencies go through. As they progress through the various phases of growth, they often run into ‘growth ceilings.’ These are walls or barriers they run into that confuse or stall their growth. Many things can create these ‘ceilings.’ But team growth, team heath, and team sizes are often at the root of the growth ceilings. Let’s look at 3 separate phases of growth and appropriate team models […]

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Word of the Day: Marketing

Word of the Day: Marketing from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: Hey class, word of the day. You know you like word of the day. Today’s word of the day is marketing. You know what marketing is? It’s a job. It’s a job with a whole butt load of tasks in it you’ve got to do over and over and over consistently. Now you want to make sure you’re targeting the right people, but marketing is this realm that you may be able to train and teach somebody that’s administrative to do some of this stuff for you. Now marketing, though, can get very […]

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Why Service Firms Have to Manage Scope

If you sell widgets, it’s easy to know if you got what you paid for. If you pay Amazon for a bottle of laundry detergent, then you will know the price, and you will know when you get the bottle of detergent. But service-based companies are different. Managing scope becomes a practice we have to become very good at so as to provide the best care for our clients. Services are often unseen, they are nuanced, and their delivery can even go unnoticed. So solid service-based companies have to manage scope. What is scope? It is simply and clearly stating […]

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