
Word of the Day: Expectations

Transcript: You know what time it is, word of the day. We pick a word, one word, just one magical word, and we talk about it and and how it helps us run our businesses or how it helps us hinder our businesses. And today’s word of the day is expectations. This almost sounds like Sesame Street. Expectations children, but you know what I’ve learned about myself? I get blown up man in my head when my expectations are not fulfilled, and guess what? Looking into the expectations that is kind of before I go into a situation, sometimes I […]

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Word of the Day: Balance

Word of the Day: Balance from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: Word of the Day and Word of the Day is where I share things I’ve learned as almost a 20 year entrepreneur veteran gone through a lot of ups and downs in that journey. And this past year I’ve been learning a lot about balance. Balance is something creative entrepreneurs need desperately in their lives. And I’ve mentioned this in another Word of the Day video where entrepreneurs, they drive in the ditches. That’s what they do. They operate their businesses and a lot of times their lives, their life in the ditches. […]

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Word of the Day: Project Management

Word of the Day: Project Management from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: Word of the day. This is more like phrase of the day. So this phrase that we’re going to be talking about is project management, and that’s a big one in the digital creative space. Sometimes it’s called, producers now are digital project managers. But it’s a big deal and it’s something we’ve put in our firm, a number of years ago, we started the process of putting project management in a creative financial accounting and consulting firm. And of course we do that work for digital agency so we know what […]

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Word of the Day: Fears

Word of the Day: Fears from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: This is Word of the Day, where we take a word and we talk about what the heck it can mean for your business, and this is the one we’re talking about, is fears. And fears are something we all deal with and we have, and I was just doing a podcast with Ryan Berman of Return on Courage. He’s the author of Return on Courage, and he talked about auditing your fears, which was cool. His book is Return on Courage, so being courageous has everything to do with auditing your fears. […]

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Word of the Day: Decisions

Word of the Day: Decisions from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: It is Blumer CPAs word of the day, where we’re going to teach you something strategic about running a creative business. Today’s word of the day is “decisions.” Owners make decisions. That’s one of their jobs. They’re always making decisions. That’s something they’re doing. But sometimes when we’re coaching and consulting with these agencies, these creative companies, we’re finding that they’re not making decisions. And actually, sometimes there becomes a time that … Making a decision is risky. So let’s just say that making a decision sometimes can be risky, especially if it’s […]

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Word of the Day: Barriers

Word of the Day: Barriers from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: It is word of the day, where we take a word and strategically try to explain how you could apply it in your creative services company. Today’s word of the day is barriers. So you know what barriers are, right? You’re driving down the highway, and there’s these big concrete barriers and blocks in the way. If you hit those, you’re going to stop real fast. That’s what a barrier’s meant to do. It’s meant to stop you. But when you’re running a creative services company, that is a services company based upon […]

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Word of the Day: Labels

Word of the Day: Labels from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: It’s word of the day, where we take a word strategically and we talk about how it applies to your practice, your firm, your life. And today’s word is labels. My partner busts me on labels. Sometimes I like labels. Labels are safe, softer. They help me live within a safe a world which is not a place where I grow and change. But it’s something I will be prone to do sometimes, is apply labels. And labels are okay, right? There’s a lot of different labels, political parties are labels or I’m […]

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Word of the Day: Examination

Word of the Day: Examination from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: Welcome to Word of the Day. We pick a word and we talk about strategically how you can use it to live your life and run your business better. And today’s word is examination. Where does that come from? When we do consulting with clients, we’re often helping leaders assess their team better and teams, they are just not good at examining themselves. So our leader teams that we work with often find that asking team questions, working with team or even clients generates wrong answers a lot of times. You can say […]

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Word of the Day: Capacity

Word of the Day: Capacity from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: It’s Word of the Day where we take a word and teach some things strategically to help you understand your business, your creative business, and how you lead that. This word of the day is “capacity.” This is the magic. This is the thing you’re always managing in a creative business, a knowledge-based business where people sell their ideas. The deliverables are often the spoken word. Sometimes their deliverables have real things, tangible things, but in creative agencies and creative knowledge businesses, a lot of times the deliverables are digital in nature, and […]

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Word of the Day: Self-Assessment

Word of the Day: Self Assessment from Blumer CPAs on Vimeo. Transcript: Yo, yo, it’s Word of the Day, where we take a word and we talk about the strategy behind that word in helping you run your agency or your creative business better, and this is a big one. It’s self-assessment. That is big, and we were talking about that in a group. We were leading an entrepreneurial group not long ago, and this self-assessment idea came up where people are generally not good at looking at themselves and determining where they are, how they feel, what they’re doing, how well they’ve done. […]

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